
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a principle as:

  • a moral rule or belief that helps you know what is right and wrong and that influences your actions
  • a basic truth or theory : an idea that forms the basis of something
  • a law or fact of nature that explains how something works or why something happens

What follows is a journaling of my core aspirational beliefs. These exist, I hope, in my mind and in my practice, however, they are not written down anywhere, that is until now.

I should mention that the spark for this process of principle documentation came from a Seth Godin blog post many years ago where he prompted his readers to think about their own principles.

Writing them down allows me to hold them up for examination. It helps me clarify them under the lens of the written word. Writing them out also allows me to solidify them so that I can come back for reference and refinement and reflection.

While all of these essays are my own, the principles come from many sources – my parents, my wife, my children, my friends and family, my co-workers, and some, yes, are my own observations and beliefs. Many should feel universal, while others could be overly specific and self-reflexive (this is my personal website after all).

"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious." - Albert Einstein

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