
The Work Ahead


From start to finish, this project was a blast to write and produce. Not only is the topic incredibly important and relevant to making sure millions of Americans remain employed in the coming decades, but it was a pleasure to work with an amazingly talented group of individuals. From Ted Alden who helped guide the narrative as co-author of the report, to Ivan Kander who was a joy to work with as editor and animator, to Ramtin Arablouei who composed the kind of score that I would want to follow me around all day. But finally, it was such a great honor to work with the exceptionally talented Guy Raz on this project who lent his voice and heart to the narration.

Description of the project:

Technology—in particular automation and artificial intelligence—is disrupting the way Americans work. But with targeted initiatives and investments in education, retraining, mobility, and support systems, the United States can help its citizens adapt to the workforce of the future.

This video is part of the Council on Foreign Relations–sponsored Independent Task Force on the Future of the U.S. Workforce. Learn more here and read the report, “The Work Ahead: Machines, Skills, and U.S. Leadership in the Twenty-First Century.”


Writer, Producer

Published Date

April 2018

"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious." - Albert Einstein

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