
Crisis Guide: Pakistan

About the Project

Launched in 2010, Crisis Guide: Pakistan combines evocative imagery, in-depth and moving videos, and richly informative timelines, maps, and graphics. As Managing Producer on the project, I oversaw all aspect of ideation, pre-production, production, and design. This was a tremendous effort by those on my team and the team at MediaStorm. In 2011, this production was the winner of an Overseas Press Club award, a nomination for a News and Documentary Emmy award, and several others.

Excerpt from the Overseas Press Club award description:

This piece stood out for its flawless graphics and videos, clear organization of content, and features for social-network sharing. Its unique strength is that it strikes a smart balance between telling a compelling linear story & embracing the modern practice of consuming small chunks of information in a non-linear manner. The presentation uses numbered tabs to guide the reader through a detailed history of the region. For the casual reader it is easy to drop in and sample bits and pieces of the content without feeling lost or dependent on knowing a previous section’s contents. The real key is the prominent inclusion of embed code and social network sharing links. Finally, of all the entries, this Flash piece has the best technical performance — graphics transition gracefully, videos play flawlessly and the interface reacts quickly to user action.


Managing Producer, Editor

Published Date

October 2010

"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious." - Albert Einstein

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